Love you Keith, thanks for posting up this stuff. As I said before being a machinist and practically living in my shop I can relate to your industrial experience of 'serving' at Bethel !
For you brother :
more about cars and n.y.c.. .
back then hundreds of cars were stolen, in the city every day!
the new york post said "the average life span of a corvette (sports car) parked on the street was 24 hours!
Love you Keith, thanks for posting up this stuff. As I said before being a machinist and practically living in my shop I can relate to your industrial experience of 'serving' at Bethel !
For you brother :
4 months ago i was conducting the watchtower study along with a long list of responsibilities that come with being an elder in a very goofy congregation.
during this time my health was going down hill.
i've always had a low blood pressure,(102/65 or abouts) but for the past year it had creeped up to 135/90 range.. so 2 months ago after learning ttatt, i'm still considered an elder because the brothers won't let me step down, but i haven't done anything in that time except comment once at a meeting a few weeks ago.
Prior to my baptism in '02 I was a high level weekend warrior athlete. By the time '08 came around was an out of shape nervous wreck that had given up on life and had lost 20 lbs. My BP was sky high and my face and thighs were often flushed red. Wake up call was a little overnight trip to the hospital on suicide watch and from that point on decided to take back control of my life and not let others do it for me.
The next couple years were hard getting my business functioning well again but made it through, gained a bit too much weight in the process but am now running and training, take a BP as well as anti anxiety med and do ok when I get regular sleep. The anxiety simply is genetic as I was a hyperactive kid. I just need to keep moving and all is good. The act of trying to be a good little JW people pleaser took it's toll on me but my aim is to bounce back stronger than ever. I started my fade in the spring of 2010 but stayed in mentally thanks to obsessive guilt till last year. This summer was my true turning point with the ARC and spent more time researching TTATT then I have ever done.
Professional counseling was what I needed back in 2000 and not the self serving solution touted by the WTBTS
well it is 4:00 a.m. in the morning and i can't sleep, so might has well write..
everything at bethel is seniority........"how long have you been here?
you really wanted to be the man with no name a.k.a.thx-1138.
jt further expounds on why we left the watchtower.
why we left the jehovah's witnesses part 2.
Well said Wannexit, I've noticed that too. There is the young ' in ' crowd still living at home with disposable income for nice cars and a full wardrobe of new clothes, most have great teeth ( thanks to braces from parents ) and have trades or good jobs. The party will be over once they move out and get married. Then you have the their parents in the 50 + age group. Hardly anyone left in the 30-50 group but born ins that stuck it out for family and friends.
Anyhow good for her to be awake and see it for what it is !
remember the video of all the nice dudes who were on the governing body in the 70s?
(here's a refresher).. well this is what their lives were really like - the same as when i was there.
by the time it got to the end, all was left was chicken backs.
Keith would be great for you to get together with Brock Talon, he put a book out on his Bethel stay of the early eighties a year or two ago. I'm sure he could give you some tips on how to put one together. He's on the forum here uses same name. Anyhow thanks again as I sais earlier your stories open the door for me to walk away from this sad cult.
On edit : Sorry Keith I shouldn't of bumped this thread. Hopefully it will just stay down I've been enjoying your recent refresher on your other post and hope others get to read it there for the first time. Sorry about that everyone.
don't get me wrong...........there was no one more self righteous, than me at 19. i moved to kansas at 18 to pioneer and even printed up cards that said............ .
"have sword, will travel"---------contact casarona salina kansas------ aaa which of course meant available after armageddon..
oh, i was full of myself!
john 8.58 is one of those scriptures which translators often mis-translate.. i am aware this text is defended with passion either way by its advocates.
many insist the "i am" rendering found in many versions is correct.
others defend the "i have been" or "i was" readings of other versions.
i remember going out with other jws after the memorial.. small gatherings.. picnics at some local landmark.. the feeling of closeness, camaraderie, friendship with like minded people you could trust.. haven't experienced it since i left.. really miss that..
I think that the feeling of solidarity has to do with elitism, such as we have felt when we were younger and training at high levels in the many sports we participated in : bodybuilding, XC skiing, cycling, etc. The same applies to all high level sports, we get to the point of having maybe a higher opinion of ourselves coupled with some narcissistic traits. Walking around as if we owned the place and were due respect by all, plain entitled. Thus we stuck together and fed off each others ideals of grandeur. I now look back on this with slight embarrassment. I sure made an ass of myself !
the neighbor blows his leaves over onto my employee's yard, then denies it.
the neighbor's wife calls the police about anything and everything.. of course they're witnesses.